
How To Use Hair Color Measuring Bowl

Using a professional person hair color line similar Ugly Ducking can totally change the quality of the hair color results you lot can get.

Especially if you are looking to elevator the hair upwards to blonde.

Or go one of those those elusive shades similar pearl blonde, silver gray, ash blonde or violet.

Only how should y'all use professional pilus colour to become the all-time results?

In this blog, we are going to cover 12 key things you need to go right.

Plus cover some very pop professional hair colour results & how to get them.

Ready? Then read on...

i. What You Should Exercise Before Coloring

Before Bleaching

Hair Segmented & Tied Upward & Ready For Coloring.

What should y'all do before coloring?

The respond is: "Null".

Pilus dyes and bleaches work best on dry, unwashed hair.

The oil from your client's pilus volition protect the scalp while it is being colored.

And so no pre-washing, no masks, no coconut oil even for 2 days earlier coloring.

2. Determine What Level Your Customer's Hair is

Before you lot do anything, you demand to do an authentic assessment to determine what level your client's hair is currently at.

Apply the chart below to help you assess your client'south hair colour level:

Hair Color Levels

Use this chart to determine what level your pilus is at.

iii. Work Out How Many Levels You Need to Lift

Now you demand to figure out how many levels y'all need to lift by.

Make up one's mind on what your target color is going to be by reading off this chart below:

Hair Color Levels

Employ this chart to determine your target pilus color level

Take your target hair colour level, minus off your target hair color from the current hair colour level.

For example, if your roots are level 5, and you are trying to get to level 10, that ways yous demand to lift by 10-v = v levels.

This number of levels is very important, because the more you need to lift past, the higher strength programmer y'all will need.

four. Decide What Book Programmer You Volition Need to Use

So now that y'all know how many levels yous need to lift by, you tin can decide on the correct programmer strength.

Developers generally come in iv strengths: 10 Vol, 20 Vol, thirty Vol and twoscore Vol.

The higher the Vol, the greater the concentration of hydrogen peroxide.

And the greater the lift you can achieve.

Which Developer to Use

Ugly Duckling sells developers in big 33 oz bottles as well as in smaller trial sizes.

Here are the rules for developer choice.

For level-on-level coloring, for toning blonde highlights without lifting, and for tone-downwardly coloring, use 10 Vol developer.

For one-2 levels lift, use twenty Vol developer.

For two-3 levels lift, employ 30 Vol developer.

For whatever lift higher than 3 levels, it is better to utilize bleach first, then color.

This is known as a double blonding process.

v. Decide whether roots, mid-lengths and ends are going to be needing different processes

Remember that the hair color can be very different at the root expanse, on the mid-lengths and at ends.

For example the root regrowth is very often the natural hair color.

It might exist quite dark.

The mid-lengths might exist colored in a previous application just they could be too yellow and brassy.

At the same time the ends, which have typically been colored and bleached the about, could be quite white.

In such cases, you lot will demand to use different coloring processes for the different parts of the hair.

See the picture below, for case.

Hair at Roots, Mid-Lengths & Ends All Different

Hair at roots, mid-lengths and ends all different

The root area is level 6 nighttime blonde.

The mid-lengths are level ix and brassy and warm.

The ends are level 10 and white.

In such a case,  what nosotros did was to utilize a bleach mix to the root area first.

So rinse.

Then employ a lifting toner with xx Vol, applying on roots and the brassy mid-lengths.

Then only pull through to the white ends during the last 5 minutes.

half dozen. Section the hair correctly to prepare for coloring

Before you make your mix, yous need to get the pilus set and so that in that location is no time wasted.

Separate the hair into big sections. Tie upwards sections with a clip.

Leave one section (usually the lower back department) downward.

This will exist the department on which you lot will start to apply color.

Hair all tied up neatly

Department hair into large sections and pin upward.

7. Determine on how much developer to use in your mix

Follow the instructions below and you will get splendid results:

For most Ugly Duckling pilus color, the correct mix is 1 part hair dye to ane part developer.

For high lift Ugly Duckling colors, the correct mix is 1 part pilus dye to 2 parts programmer.

For Ugly Duckling cream-based toners, the correct mix is besides 1 office toner to 2 parts programmer.

For Ugly Duckling'due south liquid gloss toners, the correct mix is ane role toner to ane part programmer.

And for Ugly Duckling bleaches, the mix is i part bleach to ii parts programmer.

Note that you must never put in more developer in lodge to get more than lift.

All color brands including ours are formulated to work well with a certain mix ratio.

So you lot tin by all means opt for 30 Vol or even 40 Vol if you are needing to lift.

But stick with the recommend amount of product.

8. Make Your Mix of Product and Developer.

The best fashion is to get your mixes right is to use kitchen scales. This is specially truthful if y'all are a new colorist.

Identify the empty bowl or applicator bottle on the scale and set to goose egg.

Squeeze or pour in your hair colour or toner or bleach and write down how much you put down.

And then set the scale to zero once more than.

And so pour in the correct corporeality of programmer.

If it'south a 1 + 1 mix y'all are aiming at, you will be pouring in the same amount every bit before.

If information technology's a 1+ii mixm and so you need to pour in double the corporeality of programmer.

When making foam color or bleach mixes, use a plastic coloring bowl.

Keep stirring with a whisk or a coloring castor until the mix is a polish, flossy paste.

When making mixes with Ugly Duckling's liquid toner Blondify, merely utilize an applicator canteen and shake.

You lot volition find that information technology is quite easy to produce a nice gel-like consistency which will cascade over the hair hands.

This is what an Ugly Duckling cream colour color and developer mix looks similar:

Color & Developer Mix

Ugly Duckling foam color and developer mix.

This is what a mix of Blondify liquid toner and programmer looks like as it comes out of the applicator bottle:

Blondify liquid toner and developer mix

Ugly Duckling Liquid toner and developer mix

And this is what a bleach and developer mix looks like:

Bleach and developer mix

Ugly Duckling Brilliant Blondexx Bleach with developer

9. Applying the product correctly

In lodge to go the most vibrant color possible, y'all must apply plenty production mix and you must saturate the hair properly.

In other words, you need to make sure that the pilus comes into contact with plenty of production and is literally drenched with this product.

When applying cream based color, information technology is a skillful idea to apply twice.

Once using the brush, segmenting finely, and a 2d time with fingers using gloves, rubbing in the product actually well into the hair as y'all exercise.

For bleach applications, it is actually of import that the bleach mix is squeamish and wet, as bleaches accept a habit of drying out as soon every bit they are practical.

Hither again, if yous run across that the bleach mix is drying out on the hair before information technology has had a chance to elevator sufficiently, apply some more bleach mix.

When using liquid toner mixes, rub the mix in thoroughly with your fingers using gloves.

Applying color

Information technology is a good idea to do a second application, rubbing in the colour mix with fingers (using gloves)

10. Respect the processing time

Color processing on hair

Ugly Duckling Ruby Red processing on the hair

For most colors, the processing time is 30 minutes.

For toners, rinse off when the correct color appears (around 10-15 minutes is normal).

For high lift colors: upwardly to 40 minutes.

Be aware that hair at the scalp processes faster than anywhere else due to the oestrus of the scalp.

You demand to lookout this expanse when going lighter.

Exist prepared to rinse as before long as this area looks done, even if this is before the thirty minutes are upward.

11. Emulsify

Hair Emulsification

A few drops of water, and rub once over again. Merely rinse after you have washed this.

Before rinsing, add a little water to the color and rub at the scalp expanse.
And then rub well around the hairline first, and so eye and nape.
This process is known as emulsification.
Information technology helps lock in the color into the hair, and gives yous really vibrant, long-lasting colour results plus pilus that feels full and very well conditioned.

12. Finish with an acidic (low pH) shampoo

Use an acidic shampoo to close off the coloring or bleaching procedure.
This will assist close the hair cuticle, lock in the color and render the hair to its natural pH level.
Don't presume all professional person shampoo and mask is acidic  You will demand to cheque on the label.

All Ugly Duckling shampoos are low pH.

If you have been coloring blonde, yous should consider using Ugly Duckling's Purple Shampoo and Mask.

For hair that is fragile, blonde and bleaches, use Ugly Duckling's Vivid Blondexx Shampoo and Treatment with Bond Protect.

The best toners to use for lifting and going blonde

For lifting and toning, nosotros suggest you use Ugly Duckling's permanent cream based toners:

Intense Pearl Blonde 100V

Intense Silver Blonde 100B

Pearl Blonde 10V

Silver Blonde 10B

The to a higher place toners are some of the best selling Ugly Duckling products.

They produce actually excellent, consistent cold blonde results.

Utilize the in a higher place toners with xx Vol later on bleaching first, and you will go splendid results.

Lookout VIDEO Hither At present OF INTENSE PEARL BLONDE TONER IN Activity:

Hair past Elona Taki

The all-time toners for toning blonde highlights without lifting the base of operations

When you demand to tone and refresh blonde highlights without touching the dark hair underneath in any style, utilise Blondify.

These are ammonia-free liquid gloss toners which tin can be used with low forcefulness developer.

10 Vol, for case is not bad.

They process in only 10 minutes.

Which means that they don't lift the base in any way.

Similar all of Ugly Duckling toners, they are based on colour bike principles.

So you employ the Natural Ash Blonde toner to colour correct highlights which are brassy and yellow-orangish.

And you use the Natural Violet Blonde toner to color correct highlights which are pure yellow.



Q: Which are Ugly Duckling All-time Selling Blonding Colors & Toners?

Intense Pearl Blonde 100V

Intense Pearl Blonde Toner 100V on pre-lightened hair.

Pearl Blonde Toner 10V

Pearl Blonde Toner 10V on pre-lightened pilus.

Silver Grey

Argent Grey on pre-lightened Pilus

Extra Cold Ash Blonde 10.1b

Extra Cold Ash Blonde 10.1b on pre-lightened hair.

Q: Which are Ugly Duckling All-time Selling Fashion Colors?

Rose Gold

Rose Gold

Intense Violet Blonde 7.22

Intense Violet Blonde seven.22/7VV

Ruby Red

Cherry Reddish

Rose Gold

ix.23 Rosy Beige Blonde

Pretty Pink, Rose Gold Fuschia Pink

Mix of Pretty Pink, Rose Golden & Fuschia Pink. Achieved on Prelightened Hair.

Violet Root & Silver

Violet & Intense Argent Blonde


Hair by Elona Taki

Products Used:

  • Brilliant Blonde Lightener for re-growth
  • Violet with Intense Argent Blonde 100B for root surface area
  • Intense Silver Blonde 100B for lengths
  • 20 Vol Developer

How To Use Hair Color Measuring Bowl,


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