
Transitive Property Of Equality Angles

In full general, transitive holding in mathematics states that if ii numbers are equal to ane another and the second number is equal to the tertiary number, then, all three numbers are equal.

Or, we can say that, if a = b, and b = c, so, a = c. This is 1 of the important properties in mathematics.

In this maths commodity, we shall read well-nigh the transitive property of equality and inequality. We shall also learn about transitive backdrop for angles and geometry with solved examples for better understanding of the concept.

Transitive Belongings

In general English, transitive means to transfer. Past transitive property we hateful that if a is related to b past some relation and b is related to c following the aforementioned relation, then a is related to c keeping the relation constant.

Permit us consider two equalities ten = y, and y = z. By symmetric property of equality nosotros can say that 10 = y is the aforementioned equally y = x. So, we tin can farther say that y = 10, and y = z. which means x = z.

Transitive Property

Transitive Holding of Equality

The transitive belongings of equality formula is given as;

a = b, b = c, so a = c.

Here, we have to consider that a, b and c belong to the aforementioned category of elements. For example if a defines the height of an element so b and c are too the heights.

Transitive Property

Transitive Belongings of Inequality

Dissimilar inequalities in mathematics are less than, greater than, less than or equal to, and greater than or equal to. Similar to the transitive holding of equality, tin also compute the transitive property of inequality.

Permit a, b, and c are iii elements of, by transitive holding of inequality the following effect holds truthful:

  • If a is less than b, and b is less than c, then, a is less than c.
  • If a is greater than b, and b is greater than c, and so, a is greater than c.
  • If a is less than or equal to b, and b is less than or equal to c, then, a is less than or equal to c.
  • If a is greater than or equal to b, and b is greater than or equal to c, so, a is greater than or equal to c.

Transitive Property of Congruence

According to the transitive property of congruence, if whatever 2 geometric shapes are congruent to the third shape, and so all the three shapes are congruent to each other.

Permit us understand this with an example:

Permit the first triangle be = \(\triangle ABC\)

Allow the second triangle exist = \(\triangle PQR\)

Permit the third triangle be = \(\triangle MNO\)

And so, by transitive belongings of congruence we can state that:

If,\( \triangle ABC\cong\triangle PQR\)

\(\triangle PQR\cong\triangle MNO\)

So, \(\triangle ABC\cong\triangle MNO\)

This ways that, if ABC is coinciding to PQR andPQR is coinciding to MNO, the, ABC is congruent to MNO.

Transitive Property of Angles

This tin can exist understood past the transitive holding of congruence. It is stated as, if any two angles, or lines, or shapes are congruent to the third angle, or line, or shape, then all the iii elements are coinciding to each other.

In case of angles, permit chiliad, n,and p exist two angles such that chiliad = north, and northward = p. If g = fifty degree then north and p are likewise fifty-caste.

Transitive Belongings of Equality Geometry

In geometry we deal with different kinds of lines. Some lines meet at a bespeak and are called intersecting lines while another lines do non meet at a point having equal distance between them. Such lines are chosen parallel lines.

Transitive property tin can besides exist used in case of parallel lines.

For instance:

Let l, m and n exist iii lines such that fifty is parallel to m and m is parallel to due north. So, by transitive property of parallel lines nosotros can say that fifty is parallel to n, or all the 3 lines are parallel to one another.

Proof of Transitive Property of Equality

As the transitive belongings of equality itself is an axiom, there is no fixed style to prove this. However, a very common way to evidence this property is by constructing an equilateral triangle using ruler and compass. The principal objective then is to find that the triangle and so formed has all its sides equal using the holding.

Property of Equality

We have to construct a line segment AB of whatsoever length. Construct 2 circles such that one of them crosses A and the other crosses B. W can see that one of the two circles has A as heart and AB as radius and for the other B is the centre and BA is the radius.

Allow the ii circles intersect at C. Draw lines for connecting betoken C to point A every bit well every bit point B, such that ABC is a triangle.

For the beginning circle with A as heart, we have AB equally radius and also Air conditioning as some other radius. Then, making the radius equal, nosotros say that AB = Air-conditioning.

Also, in the 2nd circle with B as centre, nosotros have AB every bit radius and BC as another radius. On equating, we get AB = BC.

So, AB = AC and AB = BC, nosotros can say that Air conditioning = BC.

This makes all the 3 sides of the triangle equal. So, triangle ABC is an equilateral triangle.

Transitive Belongings Solved Examples

Que 1: if x + y = z and z = 2y, evaluate the relation between x and y using the transitive property of equality.

Ans i: Given that x + y =z, and z = 2y.

By transitive property of disinterestedness:

x + y = 2y

x = 2y -y

ten = y

So, we can say that x and y are equal.

Que 2: In the given figure, p is parallel to q and q is parallel to r, find the relation betwixt angles a and b using the transitive property of equality.


Ans ii: Given that p is parallel to q, and q is parallel to r, and then by transitive belongings of parallel lines, p is parallel to r.

Likewise, we know that when two lines are parallel the corresponding angles are equal. So angle a is equal to angle b.

We hope that the to a higher place article is helpful for your understanding and exam preparations. Stay tuned to the Testbook App for more updates on related topics from Mathematics, and various such subjects. Also, reach out to the test series available to examine your knowledge regarding several exams.

Transitive Property of Equality FAQs

Q.1 What is the transitive property of inequalities?

Ans.1 Let a, b, and c are three elements of, past transitive property of inequality the following result holds truthful:If a is less than b, and b is less than c, then, a is less than c.
If a is greater than b, and b is greater than c, then, a is greater than c.
If a is less than or equal to b, and b is less than or equal to c, then, a is lless than or equal to c.
If a is greater than or equal to b, and b is greater than or equal to c, then, a is greater than or equal to c.

Q.2 What are examples of transitive property?

Ans.2 Transitive property of equality if a and b are equal following a sure criteria, and b and c are equal following the same property, then, a is equal to c.

Q.iii Why is it called transitive property?

Ans.3 It is called transitive property when the two elements following a certain dominion are equal and the 2d element is equal to another chemical element following the same rule. Then all the three elements are equal to each other.

Q.4 What is the divergence between the Transitive Property and substitution property in

Ans.4 By transitive property of geometry if a is related to b by some relation and b is related to c following the same relation, then a is related to c keeping the relation abiding.On the other mitt, the exchange property of geometry states that if a is equal to b by some rule, then b can be replaced with a and a can be replaced with b in any equation and expression.

Q.5 What is transitive holding congruence?

Ans.v According to the transitive property of congruence, if any ii geometric shapes are congruent to the third shape, then all the iii shapes are congruent to each other.

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